The very first thing that Professor Phelps does in her submission to the Parliamentary Enquiry into Long Covid and Repeated COVID Infections (Submission 510) is list her credentials. She does this, as her ilk likes to do, to stamp her authority, so that we understand she is not just anybody, certainly not one of us, Professor Kerryn Phelps is an Authority. That unlike you and me, her opinion matters.
What she failed to understand though is that for many Australians she’s not just any old authority or expert, she is synonymous with and the very embodiment of “The Medical Advice.” It’s the phrase we all became accustomed to hearing from the mouth of every martinet and minion with a badge or a clipboard to justify their every petty decision; it was all based on “The Medical Advice”. It became a catchall because of people like Phelps. Look at your elected representatives, did you think for a moment that any of them were equipped to lead us through the pandemic we were told was upon us? No, of course not, they were always going to do what they have always done, find a scapegoat, a study, some modelling, or an Expert.
Experts - Definition - The people you blame when the poop hits the propeller, e.g. Mark McGowan, “I was only acting on “The Medical Advice” provided by “The Experts”.
Experts – Synonym – Authority (noun) - The power to influence others, especially because of one's commanding manner or one's recognized knowledge about something.
Phelps and her colleagues and peers were happy to oblige. The Medical Establishment saw its Carpe’ Diem moment to save us all and went all out. Political “Authorities” saw their scapegoat. And you and me? We were meant to blindly accept the suspension of our human rights and freedoms and agree to repeated injection with experimental gene therapies that they all “pinkie promised” were “Safe and Effective” …. Hmmmm … So, we googled that for about the fifteen minutes it takes to read what “Emergency Use Authorisation” means and said, “fuck that.”
And we were right.
But unfortunately, our leaders are a gutless, gormless lot and once their lawyers were confident that “The Health Advice” from Phelps and co, was their “Not Going To Jail Card” they puffed up their pigeon chests and pushed their Authority down our throats in ways we had never seen before and will hopefully never see again. They suspended our human rights and freedoms; they mandated experimental gene therapies (that no sane human would willingly accept if their GP told them the truth rather than deliver the dogma they did) and they locked us in our homes and suburbs. And why? Well, they had to do something. And “The Health Advice” could be construed with “The (never to be seen) Modelling” to justify just about anything. And if it all went tits up in Shit Creek the scapegoats were already lined up in lab coats.
It’s pretty self-evident that if Phelps’s story were told by you or me, it would never have been reported on a front page or prime time TV. There’s no shortage of mRNA vaccine injured people in Australia but thanks to Mark McGowan and Michael Gunner (and a willing Media Establishment) they’re just "dropkicks" or “antivaxxers”. In truth they’re just ordinary people who reluctantly got “the jab” because authorities acting on “The Medical Advice” mandated them as a condition of their employment. The majority though just blindly followed the advice after being frightened by the prospect of suffering the unpleasant effects of a bad cold and by the belief that “The Medical Advice” supported them swapping a day or two in bed with some Nurofen for the opportunity to roll the dice on some adverse effects of being injected with an untested novel gene therapy.
And again, those of us that did a bit of googling said, “fuck that”.
Some of those adverse effects included dying, and people did. Many more were damaged and are now suffering because they swallowed the dogma instead of a couple of Nurofen. So, we now have questions for Professor Phelps and her colleagues in Authority, and they need to be asked by QCs in Royal Commissions; not empty talking heads babbling and bobbling for their salaries on morning television. Because the dogma that is “Safe and Effective” has taken root in our society and caused damage to and undermined confidence in one of the most critical institutions that any modern society creates, Public Health. We must eradicate that dogma so that we can begin re-building confidence in those institutions that we ought to be able to trust. Public Health must embody the Hippocratic Oath not the Hypocrites Lament that Phelps is cynically pushing on us. A lament that amounts to nothing more than,
“I took my own advice but I’m a victim.”
Of what or whom the good Professor should explain, because she is no victim but if she needs another title for that CV, she can add collaborator. Phelps needs to explain rather than be smiling for the cameras posing as a victim in fluffy conversations with MSM bobbleheads. Her submission may well prove to be the most important document of the pandemic up until now. In her own words she gives the reasons why faith in the medical establishment and its regulatory bodies is in freefall. Because “The Medical Advice” that our politicians have hidden behind in their actions did not write itself it was written by the likes of Phelps, her colleagues, and peers. And according to Phelps at least, “[they] did their homework”. Terrific, but we’d like to check it now please.
To the best of my knowledge nowhere in the world has an Authority such as Phelps issued such an unequivocally damning indictment of the policies that they themselves authored and advocated for. And in so doing so clearly demolished their own reputation and the credibility of the Medical Establishment as succinctly or thoroughly as she has.
Her submission vindicates every single person that questioned and rejected the "Safe and Effective" dogma piped into every household connected to the MSM sewer. It is revealing, not just for what it says but for what it does not say, for what it implies. And as the first person from the Medical Establishment to break their code of Omertà it clearly identifies her as one of the first witnesses that should be called before a Royal Commission into the management of the Covid-19 pandemic. In fact, it would be hard to think of anyone more apt to stand and be compelled under oath to explain how the “Medical Advice” could incessantly spruik “Safe and Effective” after one of its high priestesses witnessed the lie of it firsthand and said nothing for over 18 months! From that moment when Phelps witnessed her wife being damaged by it, she possessed direct personal knowledge that the vaccines mandated by Australian Health Authorities could cause severe and debilitating injury.
And she said NOTHING to save others from the same fate as her wife?
The admissions she makes in her submission are not only scandalous, they are also, arguably, evidence of medical negligence because despite acquiring that knowledge she continued to provide professional advice and continued to advocate for the proposition that they were "Safe and Effective". For you and me. And our children. And I can only assume for all her GP patients.
Have any of the bobbleheads spoken to them?
So, please Professor Phelps, expert, authority, advisor, collaborating author of “The Medical Advice”, help us to all now understand why anything you say should be regarded as more valuable, useful or reputable than what anyone can readily glean from listening to Dr’s McCullough, Abramson, Yeadon, Bhattacharya, Tegnell, and Malone, et al? Or any of the thousands of other Professors and Doctors that did have the courage to stand up and be counted despite being ridiculed and denigrated by you, your colleagues and peers and those others who have steadfastly adhered to the “Safe and Effective” lie for as long as you could convince them to pretend to believe it?
And yet we owe Professor Phelps a debt.
Because, for whatever reason, she at last and at least made the choice to clear her conscience and state what so many others without her authority and status have been abused, denigrated, and ostracised for saying;
mRNA injections are neither safe nor effective.
According to Michael Gunner and Mark McGowan and despite that impressive CV Professor Phelps is now just like you and me, a potential granny killer, dropkick, and antivaxxer. I guess she can pop that on her list of credentials too; like the rest of us that wear those badges with pride today. Nevertheless, and despite her bout of the Jiminy Crickets her submission leads us ultimately to many deeper, and darker questions.
· “As a former President of the AMA are you asking us to believe that you did not pass on your experience or concerns to the current sitting President?” Or,
· “Professor Phelps, have you had any contact or expressed the matters in your submission with the current heads of the APHRA, ATAGI or the TGA?” Or,
· “Given your previous offices did you speak to anyone at all in any office of significance in the administration or regulation of Public Health in this country?”
· “As a former minister in the Australian Government did you think your experience placed an obligation on you to raise concerns on behalf of those others whose interests you swore to represent?”
· “You state your opinion that there is little effective public health communication occurring today; do you recognise that this may simply be that this may be indicative of people’s recognition that so much previous advice has been wrong or misleading?”
Phelps says that the incidence of vaccine injury is well known amongst the medical community but that it is underreported and being deliberately repressed, begging the question of by whom and for what purpose? Does she know? Has she asked? Does she care? It matters because if a former AMA President, an expert, and an authority, has so demonstrably failed in her duty to her patients and the public, then what does it say about those who occupy those roles today? What keeps them silent? If she found herself unable or unwilling to speak up 18 months ago why? If with all her Authority and credentials she could not then we need to understand why because if she could not then what hope is there that a local GP could, or would, feel confident in speaking out about what they have seen? Every Australian has a right to know why their Authorities pushed the "Safe and Effective" narrative down their throats when they knew, without any doubt, that it was a lie?
She states that “We did a lot of homework". Sorry? …. What? … aren’t you “The Medical Advice” itself embodied, the Authority that we plebs refer to in our homework? As a GP did you share that homework with your patients when advising them? Was that before or after you saw the results “within minutes” of your wife being injected with a product that your homework convinced you was “Safe and Effective”? Someone else may have to understand that one for me because my neck will not allow my head to turn through the circles that seem necessary to unravel that tautological catastrophe.
Does she still trust the advice of those colleagues and peers whose advice she accepted when doing that homework before she and her wife rolled up their sleeves to protect granny? Given her personal experience of the injections has been so drastically at odds with that advice does she feel about the quality of that advice now? It’s independence? It’s integrity?
Given that so many other Australians "did a lot of homework" and chose not to be injected and thus avoided vaccine injury can she now, at the very least, understand their decision to refuse consent? Does she want their sources, or can she google “Aaron Siri Pfizer FOIA” and “75 Year Ban on Release of Pfizer Data” for herself now?
Does she know how many patients from her own practice are suffering vaccine injury or are they all being documented as “Long-Covid” (wink-wink) now?
Does she continue to believe that the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines are safe and effective for use in human beings?
There are just so many questions.
It’s also worth noting that despite her previous Presidency of The Australian Integrative Medicine Association she makes no mention of the other approaches being taken in many parts of the world to deal with Covid-19. Therapies, treatments, and protocols that have had better outcomes without the mandating of experimental gene therapies on those populations.
Her admissions also bring up the recent calls for an amnesty for those in authority; on the basis that they were “just doing their best”. The question of how we should act when the whistle-blowers come forward is fair to ask but there were those doing their best and there were those writing the script and it’s too early to tell which of those Phelps is. If I were her, I’d speak to a lawyer and get ready to answer more questions from the dock. Cut whatever deal you can while you can. Because mothers, fathers, and children died because Authorities and Experts like her told them that an experimental gene therapy issued under an emergency use authorisation was “Safe and Effective”.
Several years ago, the Australian Government ordered a Royal Commission within days of reportage of children being abused in Don Dale Youth Detention Facility being shown on Australian Television. Phelps’ submission is now on the Parliamentary Record, evidencing failure and suggesting corruption at the very highest levels of our Medical Establishment and our Medical Regulatory Apparatus. Her disclosures are clear evidence that Australian Taxpayers should have no faith whatsoever in the myriad of regulatory bodies they pay for. None were effective or independent of commercial influence when they stamped and promoted untested, experimental, novel, gene therapies as being “Safe and Effective”. Therapies that are now confirmed to be causing death and harm on a scale we are only just beginning to investigate and understand. And so, my (almost) final questions are for Anthony Albanese and the Australian Attorney General Mark Dreyfuss;
“What are you waiting for?”
Millions of Australians were denied their right to informed consent under the law. They were coerced, compelled, shamed, and bullied into submitting to an experimental injection just to be able to continue to house, feed and clothe their children, to run their business, to go to the beach. They were persuaded, or bullied, by Authorities like Phelps, that repeatedly and incessantly told them it was “Safe and Effective.” And perhaps the most egregious sin of all is this;
That even when those Authorities saw the evidence of their lies mounting up, they continued to allow other people in authority to gaslight, to threaten homes, livelihoods, and freedom and said nothing.
And Professor Phelps was one of them. So, yes, we have many, many, questions, but if I were the Royal Commissioner asking them among my first would be this;
“Professor Phelps, your submission documents your experience and your professional expert opinion on the topic of “Long-Covid”; and you go into some detail about the known and emerging Vaccine Injuries and Adverse Effects that you and your wife and are now suffering from. What I am most curious about though is this.
It would be fair to say that your own beliefs and opinions about Covid-19 and the Health Advice and management that pertains to it have evolved over time so can you state with any definitive scientific conclusivity that “Long-Covid” and Vaccine Injury are mutually exclusive diagnoses and on what basis have you drawn that conclusion?”
Michael Calautti
Well said Michael. This woman, along with many others including Greg Hunt should be made to answer to all the people that have been affected by their decisions. Greg Hunt should be on Manslaughter charges. I've been following Dr Robert Malone (the inventor of mRNA) for a couple of years now and you can't tell me that this lot weren't aware of his comments and opposition to the vaccines. There are now 10's of thousands of Doctors backing up Dr Malone yet the Government/Media are still pushing their agenda. WHY are Politicians and Judges EXEMPT from the vaccines???. Keep up the pressure.
well said! and the truth is that for all their 'get the vaccine' narrative not one of them had any proof that it prevented transmission ( nor did they have any proof that it was safe - the obvious question that any of us non experts would ask then is what was the motivation for them to push so vigorously for all the world to get this pharmaceutical product into their bodies. I'm still perplexed as to how there are so many amongst us who still do not ask this question